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Conquering Your Kiwi Move: A Checklist Guide for Moving House New Zealand

Conquering Your Kiwi Move: A Checklist Guide for Moving House New Zealand

Moving house in New Zealand, like anywhere else, can be a whirlwind. But fear not! With a well-organized checklist, you can transform your move from a stressful scramble into a smooth and (dare we say?) enjoyable experience. This guide provides a comprehensive breakdown of tasks categorized by timeframe, ensuring a stress-free transition to your new crib.

Moving Checklist for Furniture Move in New-Zealand

6 Weeks Before the Big Move

  • Secure the Foundations: Check your tenancy agreement for notice periods and any exit clauses. This is also a great time to establish a dedicated folder for all your moving documents – receipts, quotes, contracts – keeping everything organized. Decluttering is key! Start sorting through your belongings, ruthlessly discarding or selling unwanted items. can help with this process.
  • Planning and Logistics: Research removal companies and obtain quotes. Consider factors like insurance coverage and service options. If needed, secure a storage unit – this can be a lifesaver if there’s a gap between moving out and moving in.


4 Weeks Before Take off

  • The Purge Continues: Double down on decluttering. Pack away seasonal items and anything you won’t need in the first few weeks at your new place. Stock up on essential packing supplies like boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and markers. Address any minor repairs in your current home – patching holes in walls or fixing leaky taps – to avoid a potential deduction from your bond.
  • Disassemble When Possible: Disassemble furniture like beds and bookshelves for easier transportation and reassembly. Take pictures of the disassembled pieces for easy reference later.
  • The “Essentials” Box: Pack a designated box with essentials like snacks, drinks, chargers, and a first-night change of clothes for everyone. This keeps everyone comfortable and avoids digging through unpacked boxes on moving day.


2 Weeks Before Moving Day

  • Packing Prowess: Get your hands on a good supply of sturdy boxes. Label them clearly with contents and the room they’re destined for at your new place. Pack a “first-night essentials” box containing toiletries, medications, a change of clothes, and anything else you might need immediately upon arrival. Notify service providers like internet, electricity, and water about your move and arrange for connection at your new address.

1 Week to Go!

  • Fresh Start, Clean Slate: Give your fridge and freezer a thorough cleaning and defrosting. Consider scheduling a deep clean for your current home, especially if required by your tenancy agreement. Prepare a “moving day kit” containing essentials like snacks, drinks, phone chargers, and a first-aid kit – anything to keep you going on the big day.

The Day Before the Move

  • Fueling Up: Stock up on groceries for your first few days at the new place. Consider ordering online for delivery to avoid post-move shopping trips. Seal up all your packed boxes securely. Collect your keys and garage door openers from your current landlord. Take photos or videos of the current property’s condition to document its state before you leave. Prepare a simple meal for moving day to avoid the hassle of cooking amidst the chaos.
  • Focus On Cleanliness: : For a fresh start, completely empty your fridge and give it a thorough cleaning and drying.

Bonus Tip: Throughout this process, remember to update your address with important contacts like banks, government departments, subscription services, and friends and family.

By following this checklist and staying organized, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free move to your new home. Congratulations on your upcoming adventure!

Moving to Hamilton with your family? We can help!

At DM Movers, we understand the unique challenges of family moves. We offer a range of services and moving prices to make your move smooth and stress-free. Contact us today for a free quote and let’s get you settled into your new Hamilton home!

Looking for more moving tips? Check out our blog for additional resources!

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